9th Balkan Congress of Nuclear Medicine and the Serbian Congress of Nuclear Medicine (Serbia, 12-14 May 2022)

As on the event website

Dear friends and colleagues,

We are very pleased to invite you to participate in the 9th Balkan Congress of Nuclear Medicine and the Serbian Congress of Nuclear Medicine, which will be held in Vrdnik-Serbia, on 12-14 May 2022.

The meeting was jointly organized by the Serbian Society of Nuclear Medicine, the Section of Nuclear Medicine and Academy of Medical Sciences of Serbian Medical Society, the Department of Nuclear Medicine of the Medical Faculty of the University of Belgrade and the Center for Nuclear Medicine with Positron Emission Tomography of the University Clinical Center of Serbia.

At a time when our globalized world has been unexpectedly and abruptly paralyzed in the pandemic conditions, despite a pause in the organization of the Balkan Congresses, many meetings in virtual or hybrid form have been held in this region that have been highly attended. We are convinced that the 9th Balkan Congress of Nuclear Medicine and the Serbian Congress of Nuclear Medicine will be a great occasion to reunite the nuclear medicine community from our country and the region with colleagues from other parts of the world after longer period. Special emphasis will be on the presentation of new ideas, exchange of experiences and discussion based on a multidisciplinary approach to existing problems and the development of nuclear medicine with the latest scientific and educational content. Virtual access will be provided for participants who are prevented from attending the meeting in person.

We hope that you will be able to feel the atmosphere of the live meeting again, that the Congress will meet your expectations and leave unforgettable personal and professional impressions, as well as that you will relax and enjoy the natural beauties of this pleasant environment.

We sincerely greet you and look forward to seeing you soon,

Vera Artiko – Aida Afgan – Dragana Šobić Šaranović

Click here to visit the Congress website

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